Big Shiny Takes

Vibes-based Journalism (ft. Andrew Neville)

December 10, 2022 Big Shiny Takes

Esteemed Twitter user and Dog Island alum Andrew Neville joins us to mock one of, and I'm not mincing words here, the worst pieces we have read. The culprit? None other than our old pal, Adam Zivo.

In this piece (published in the Daily Hive lol) Zivo tries to use statistics to argue that crime is out of control. The problem? It's based on an opinion poll. It gets so much worse. 

Plugs and Recs

The Myth Of Affordable Housing In Toronto

Dubious crime statistics: a disturbing trend of police and media misleading the public

PressProgress Short Circuit Podcast - Police across Canada are investing in “copaganda” reports that criticize the social safety net

Play Overwatch 2/Warzone, go see Avatar 2, listen to Metallica and do purple city in Edmonton

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