Big Shiny Takes

Lilley Unmasked (ft. Megan Linton)

September 19, 2022 Big Shiny Takes

The gang invites Megan Linton of the Harbinger Media Network podcast Invisible Institutions to slog through an incredibly lazy piece by Brian Lilley. It's a column that contains much hand-wringing about masks and requirements to have them. It's also basically the same as the column he wrote the week before.

Also, a discussion about a certain monarch's death, its dominance of the news cycle and why that does Canadians a disservice – especially on a week that saw another mass killing event mishandled by the RCMP.

Plugs and Recs

Invisible Institutions

Briarpatch Sept./Oct. 2022 – The Disability Justice Issue

Canadian mining companies rejoice as Chileans reject new constitution

Education fraud experts raise alarm about Calgary police ties to unaccredited college

The Queen Represented Racist Violence As Much As She Did Glamour

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